Saturday 12 April 2014

The Monroe Legacy - G. 1 Chapter 9 - The Start of Something New?

Marlie woke the next morning thinking of Brody. She thought of him again as she made toast for one, and again as she struggled to get Lola's cardigan on as she was wriggling too much. She took the twins to the beach but he wasn't there.

After a day or two of daydreaming she decided it was time to get herself in hand. It was only a month til the girls would be able to start school and a week until their birthday. Once they were at school she would be able to go back to work and maybe even start dating again. The thought was exciting to her but looking down at the ratty old nightdress she knew she needed to start looking after herself again so she could be confident if she found someone worth her time.

She had an old second hand boom box and that evening as the girls played she pulled on some ratty workout clothes and started to exercise.

It was slow progress this time but she felt like she was getting somewhere. On Sunday she skipped the beach, not wanting to torture herself with the idea that Brody might be there, and went to the gym instead. She had forgotten how freeing it was to lose herself in exercise and she pounded the treadmill until her time was up.

Marlie stopped off on the way home to buy the twins a birthday cake. It was an extravagance but she wanted to mark the occasion, she couldn't believe how big her babies were getting.

Lola went first, Marlie couldn't believe it was five years since she'd first held her and felt her eyes fill with tears. Lola aged up in to a pretty little girl who looked more like a brown eyed version of her mother than ever. She aged up hating art - probably the result of spending her toddler years sharing a colouring book with her crazy twin.

Belle was next and Marlie wished that Ben was here to see his daughters grow. Although she was glad he no longer lived there she remembered how fond he'd been of them, especially Belle who grew up with his high cheekbones and colouring.

Belle's true passion was music and as she became a child she developed the Virtuoso trait. She'd outgrown her Xylophone but she sang everywhere she went.

Marlie had bought some fabric and made the girls sweet little dresses for their presents. She didn't have the money for an expensive wardrobe for her daughters but she wanted them to look pretty. Even though Lola and Belle begged to stay up late now that they were big girls, Marlie made them get to bed. She was determined that her girls would have every opportunity in life - and school success starts with a good night's sleep.

When they were finally in bed, Marlie cleared up the wrapping paper and took it out to the bin. She rounded the corner to find Brody leaning up against the wall.

'You weren't at the beach today' he muttered.

'No' she replied, 'it was the twins' birthday you see. Besides I didn't expect that you'd be there now you know my situation'.

Brody shuffled his feet awkwardly, 'I didn't expect to see me there either' he said honestly. 'I didn't think I could handle dating somebody with kids, but then I woke up this morning and I couldn't remember my reasons for deciding that. And when you didn't come - well....'

'Well what Brody?' said Marlie - the suspense was killing her.

'Marlie I missed you.' Brody admitted. 'I missed seeing you, I missed our conversations. I missed that cup of coffee that we never even had. So I came here this evening to see if... To see if maybe you'd let me buy you dinner?'

Marlie just smiled and nodded - she felt as though a sound might ruin the moment and without knowing what came over her she took a step towards Brody and softly kissed him. He pulled her closer, tangling his fingers in her hair and kissed her hard, sending all thoughts of practicalities, problems and complications out of both of their minds. All that mattered in that moment was the whisper of mouth against mouth and the fact that there was no space between them.

Seeing the temptation of the situation and determined to not make her old mistakes Marlie was the first to pull back.

'Tuesday?' She said forcing herself to step out of Brody's arms.

'Tuesday' he agreed.
Marlie walked the short distance back to the door at a snails pace, looking back every step. Brody just watched her go, a huge grin on his face and already planning where he would take his beautiful date in two days time.


Will Brody and Marlie make it work? Will Marlie fight the fat?  Will Belle grow into her features? 

Next time in The Monroe Legacy - Marlie reveals her past to Brody (including revealing the horrors of her childhood). A strange car is seen each night idling outside the Monroe house. Could it be NJ??


  1. Aww Brody came back. We'll see what happens with those two. The girls grew up cute. :)

    1. They sure did - though I'll admit I'm a little worried about Belle's face - it's more angular than I'd like - damn Ben and his faulty genes!

  2. ....and the mystery deepens....YES!

    First, you are great with the ones liners. So far, from ALL of your chapters, my favorite line is: "The thought was exciting to her but looking down at the ratty old nightdress and her rolling belly over the top of her underwear she knew she needed to start looking after herself again if she was serious about finding someone." I almost spit my drink all over the screen and keyboard. LOL!!

    Love the twins! They are so cute! It'll be interesting to have a virtuoso in the house with someone who HATES music. I think that could be some funny stuff! :)

    I wondered about Brody. So glad he came back...she's just hard to resist, I guess. ;)

    1. The twins could not be more different - in looks or personality - it's a miracle theyre such good friends!

      And re: One liners - thanks! I try not to overthink things as that was always a big weakness in my writing at uni so it's good to know that it's coming out as intended - not too dramatic with a nod to humour.

      And yay for Brody - I think he's fascinated by her because she's a prettily packaged mystery - and he wants to figure her out!

  3. Aw Marlie, you're so thin! Dx I really do hope she can see herself in a better light.
    I'm glad Brody came back! ^^

    1. I think she's just come to the same conclusion herself.... She needs an attitude makeover.

      And I live Brody! he's too sweet!

  4. Yay! Good for Marlie, I hope they can make it work :)

    1. I will second that - girl deserves a break!


  5. God, I've been gone for a while :) I feel like I'm so behind on your story...
    This was a lovely chapter, I really love Brody

    1. Welcome back Laura - I hope you're well and that you enjoy catching up!

      Brody is a sweetheart isn't he! IHe's exactly what Marlie deserves!

  6. Mystery! Lola is such a cutie and belle has unconventional beauty. They're both interesting girls.

    1. They sure are.. Could not be more different either, Marlie has her hands full that's for sure!

      Thanks for reading xx

  7. The twins are so cute. Glad that Brody showed up at the house. I hope it works out between them. Marlie needs a break and the girls need a father figure.
